
i dreamed i was a synchronized swimmer

seriously. i dreamed i was on an award winning synchronized swim team with my friend megan. we had cute little flower swim caps and great legs. but my dream quickly turned into a nightmare when i missed the championships and let my entire team down. megan called to tell me the team won 1st place (of course) and that we weren't friends anymore. when i woke, i immediately texted megan to apologize for missing the championships and letting her down. she quickly retorted that she had let ME down by not coming to get me.

my friends are the best at providing a different perspective. this dream obviously relates to repressed guilt for being a bad friend. i don't feel guilty about being a bad friend to everyone. just the people that really matter to me. they know who they are. and i know who they are because they're the ones that don't ever judge me or give up on me or let me think that i'm the only one responsible for missing the championship synchronized swimming competition. i miss those people terribly. vegas, italy, newyork, and florida, you are in my thoughts always.

1 comment:

leeann & tina said...

EPIC FAILURE! i forgot to mention goose creak. perhaps because it pains me to think about how much i miss her.