
i said portland, oregon not fairbanks, alaska.

seriously, i'm over it. i've been looking out the window at snow for days. the first few of those were spent with a pounding head ache and bad cold. now my body is punishing me in other clever and uncomfortable ways for gorging on fruity pebbles. i was able to make a quick trip to target for more drugs yesterday during a lull in winter wonderland 08. i worry that i may really be falling off the face of the earth out here when the target in hillsboro feels as exciting as the abbey in west hollywood. and my mother was kind enough to inform me that it is supposed to snow through christmas. wtf weather dude???

i haven't accomplished nearly enough with all this down time. today i'm working on christmas gifts and overcoming advanced stages of boredom via crafter blogs and the style channel on demand. below is a really beautiful photograph from tina at lifelovepaper. nice image. even nicer name.

six years ago today i started basic training. i fondly recall having my web belt and canteen twisted and being called john wayne by a randon t.i. and having ssgt birkner shout "fix your shit wahhhhh" an inch from my face. and then there was the night tsgt archambo came over to play key soup and tornado with the flight. i thought it was fun. the only really stressful part of basic was everything that happened between revilee and morning chow. i never got used to waking up, dressing, fixing my hair, brushing my teeth and making my bed in exactly 37 seconds. i did a huge amount of what felt like cheating by pop tarting at night, sleeping in trouser blousers and using half a bottle of gel on my hair at one time. hard core bean.

winter bliss. aka, my own personal hell.

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